Conditional logic in a method controls which of several variants of a calculation are executed.
Create a Strategy for each variant and make the method delegate the calculation to a Strategy instance.
Chain Constructors
Compose Method
Encapsulate Classes With Factory
Encapsulate Composite With Builder
Extract Adapter
Extract Composite
Extract Parameter
Form Template Method
Inline Singleton
Introduce Null Object
Introduce Polymorphic Creation With Factory Method
Limit Instantiation With Singleton
Move Accumulation To Collecting Parameter
Move Accumulation To Visitor
Move Creation Knowledge To Factory
Move Embellishment To Decorator
Replace Conditional Dispatcher With Command
Replace Conditional Logic With Strategy
Replace Constructors With Creation Methods
Replace Hard-Coded Notifications With Observer
Replace Implicit Language With Interpreter
Replace Implicit Tree With Composite
Replace One/Many Distinctions With Composite
Replace State-Altering Conditionals with State
Replace Type Code With Class
Unify Interfaces With Adapter
Unify Interfaces