An agile team is swift, resourceful, and adaptable, able to move with “quick easy grace” and capable of achieving awesome results in record time. Is your team on a mission to become agile? If so, the Modern Agile workshop is here to help.

The workshop introduces today’s (i.e. “modern”) agile, a principle-driven, people-centric approach that accelerates learning in order to deliver better outcomes sooner.

You’ll learn the mindset and skill set to both “be” and “do” agile. You’ll learn how to base decisions and actions on guiding principles. And you'll experience valuable practices like Evolutionary Design, Value Stream Mapping, Optimizing Flow, Limiting Work-In-Process, Psychological Safety and more.
Primary: Anyone involved in becoming more agile.

Secondary: Anyone who must organize people and teams to become more agile.
Modern Agile Workshop

Workshop Editions

Our completely online version of this workshop is chock full of interactive group exercises and online discussions. It takes place over the course of six weeks with two sessions per week, with one 3-hour session early in the week and a 90 minute session to close the week. We can customize the sessions and schedule them to best meet your needs.
  • Understanding Agile
  • Make People Awesome
  • Make Safety A Prerequisite
  • Experiment & Learn Rapidly
  • Deliver Value Continuously
  • Evolutionary Design
  • Introduction to Psychological Safety
  • The Cycle of Mistrust
  • The Dangers of Multitasking
  • Iterative Development
  • Essence of Lean Principles and Practices
  • Change Saboteurs
  • The Journey from Low- to High-Performance Teams - Part 1
  • The Journey from Low- to High-Performance Teams - Part 2
  • Overcoming Common Challenges of Change
  • Workshop Conclusion
Here is a typical 3-day agenda. We can customize this agenda to best meet your needs.
  • Understanding Agile
  • Make People Awesome
  • Make Safety A Prerequisite
  • Experiment & Learn Rapidly
  • Deliver Value Continuously
  • Evolutionary Design
  • Introduction to Psychological Safety
  • The Cycle of Mistrust
  • The Dangers of Multitasking
  • Iterative Development
  • Essence of Lean Principles and Practices
  • Change Saboteurs
  • The Journey from Low- to High-Performance Teams
  • Overcoming Common Challenges of Change
  • Workshop Conclusion

What Will You Learn?


Understand the difference between being and doing agile


Learn principles that guide decisions and actions


Practice and learn evolutionary design


Discover the value of several lean-agile skills


Reduce lead time and increase flow by limiting work-in-process


Increase psychological safety in your culture and work
