Product Portfolio Allocation

The Product Portfolio Allocation module reframes traditional concepts of “portfolio planning”, shifting them from an operational activity to a strategic one.

The Product Portfolio Allocation module reframes traditional concepts of “portfolio planning”, shifting them from an operational activity to a strategic one. Participants learn how to treat portfolio planning as investment allocation that works in tandem with an organization’s budgeting and strategy cycles. Key aspects for allocating budget based on product life cycle, market signals, time horizons, and other considerations are covered. Finally, participants will take away an approach for portfolio planning that provides governance for capacity planning.

Find the Product Portfolio Allocation Canvas here

This module is usually taken in tandem with:
This course is specifically designed for organizational strategists and for senior leadership team members. However, this module will provide value to any person looking to learn more about how to organize as a product driven company.
Product Portfolio Allocation

What Will You Learn?


Apply continuous budgeting & planning


Allocate budget based on product lifecycle


Leverage portfolio allocation for capacity planning

Meet The Instructor