Accelerate Survey

How do your teams stack up against 24 scientifically-backed capabilities?

About the Survey

How skilled are your teams with Continuous Delivery, Architecture, Product and Process, Lean Management and Monitoring, and Culture?

Our new Accelerate Survey helps you answer this question with insights gathered from over 100 carefully-crafted questions.

It's based on the groundbreaking research in Accelerate: The Science of Lean Software and DevOps by Nicole Forsgren, Jez Humble, and Gene Kim.

Once all team members have answered the survey, we will prepare a final report, and schedule time with you to discuss it.

That discussion will help you:

  • Compare your practices with industry standards.
  • Pinpoint specific capabilities that need improvement.
  • Focus on high-impact areas to achieve high performance.

Our survey examines the 24 scientifically-backed capabilities that the authors of Accelerate identified in high-performing teams.

These capabilities are organized into five categories:

1. Continuous Delivery. Continuous delivery is a set of capabilities that enable us to get features into the hands of users safely, quickly, and sustainably.

2. Architecture. The structure and organization of a software system and the guidelines for its design and evolution.

3. Product & Process. Testing a product’s design and business model via frequent user research and evolving or pivoting a product or business model early and often.

4. Lean Management and Monitoring. The practice of limiting Work in Progress, Visual Management, Feedback from Production, and Lightweight Change Approvals

5. Cultural Capabilities. The ability to thrive in the face of increasingly rapid technological and economic change, through resilience and innovation.

Who Should Take The Survey?

There is a technical and non-technical version of the survey.

The technical version is meant for software architects, developers, testers, technical managers, etc.

The non-technical version is meant for product owners, project managers, non-technical coaches or scrum masters, process leaders, etc.

Both the technical and non-technical versions of the survey take approximately 15-20 minutes to complete.

To obtain the best insights, we suggest surveying all individuals knowledgeable about the team’s culture, product, process, technical, and delivery practices.

Your final report will consolidate results from all team members.

No one’s name or email address will be shared or used for any purpose other than the survey itself. We do not share information about how any individuals answered questions. All survey results are anonymous.

Next Steps

Got any questions? Please feel free to contact us.

If you'd like to get started, please press the button below and fill in the short form:

Once we receive and review your information, we will contact you to obtain:

  • Team member names and email addresses.
  • Which team members are technical or non-technical.
  • Your desired start and end date for the survey.
  • When you would like to schedule your survey review.