Tristan Lescut

Tristan Lescut

Senior Consultant - Industrial Logic Canada

Montréal, QC - Canada

Tristan Lescut

After few painful of years developing software, Tristan got lucky and met an eXtreme Programming coach. That’s when he got introduced to the ideal of focus, flow and joy and decided to bring that to others.

His passion for people, technology and process led him to the coaching path where he helped various roles in their agile journey. Whether it is with product development, architecture or operations, Tristan is happy to work with individual and teams to improve their engineering practices, agile and lean methods as well as strategic deployment.

At major Canadian companies in insurance and telecom, he coached development teams in their adoption of XP practices like TDD, pair programming and continuous integration. He also helped operations teams control their WIP through Lean approaches and evolve into product development. More recently, he has been training and coaching managers as well as architects on topics like iterative and incremental planning, evolutionary design and risk management in an agile environment.

In addition to his professional experience, he was involved in various user groups which gave him the opportunity to explore many topics : from TDD and pair/ensemble programming to Wardley mapping and Domain driven design through Continuous delivery and backlog management techniques.

Half French and half Canadian, Tristan holds an engineering degree from a French university and currently lives in Montréal where he is recovering from sleep deprivation after becoming a dad. Avid reader and continuous learner, he also enjoys folk music, board games and video games.