Since he began programming in 1979, Tim has been a programmer, author, manager, trainer, consultant, and coach.
His style is practical and hands-on, anchored in agile and traditional practices. Tim rapidly communicates concepts and practices, and is recognized for his compassionate and practical approach to work.
His career has included work in many industries and disciplines, including medical/healthcare, tax and accounting, warehouse automation, telecommunications, industrial machines, and construction payment processing to name just a few.
Tim is an insightful author with writing credits in Clean Code, Pragmatic Bookshelf magazine, Clean Agile, the C++ Report, Software Quality Connection, and other publications over the years. His breakthrough use of speed-training aids is the basis for the book Agile In A Flash, co-written with Jeff Langr.
Besides maintaining an active feed on Twitter and Linked-In, Tim is a blogger with articles appearing on the Industrial Logic blog and less formally on his personal blog.
He is an active speaker and author with a long history of speaking on technical and organizational topics at conferences and gatherings frequently giving keynote presentations on leadership, efficiency, communication, safe software practices, and continuous improvement.
He lives in Edinburgh, Scotland. He enjoys cooking, music, old scifi and horror movies, camping, and reading up on tech, psychology, and cognitive science. He and his wife share a passion for sightseeing and photography – a way of bringing their love of nature and art together.
What does Amdahl's law teach us about parallelism?
We can know we are doing the right things and doing them well.
Use all of your coding disciplines as safeties when using AI to refactor code.
Make it easy to start over so your back is never against the wall.
If you want to program, begin with a clean start.
Do we need better programmers, testing, deployment methods, or recovery? Yes.
What lessons have we learned and what has changed since "Clean Code" was published in 2008?
Do your programmers refuse to do TDD because they hate writing tests?
When we aren't all going in the same direction, there are problems.
We understand readability differently, and the difference matters.
Is dividing work among individuals really effective? Maybe not...
Maybe working in a team is not (or needn't be) dreadful.
Are you refactoring, or just changing stuff? Let's look into the highly-disciplined world of REAL...
All processes have wastes, large and small, that slow production. How do you set your team on the...
Understand why your team always seems to want to refactor. Should you let them? Can you help them...
Story points are hard to understand and hard to use well. Ease your burden! All will be explained.
It's frustrating to be constantly interrupted. Why is it like this, and what can we do about it?
“If the work were to flow smoothly through the system, it may be only 2-3 days of development.”
Is your refactoring hampered by structure-aware tests? Is your code structure-aware?
Why we're working hard with little to show for it, and what we can do about it.
Tests should be reliable. We don't have to tolerate or ignore tests that intermittently fail; we ...
If you are beginning to do some work, and you're feeling a little overwhelmed, these four questio...
You can learn to receive feedback gracefully and use it to your advantage
Commit early and often to move forward quickly and safely.
The swarm board is a simple way to keep track of your work while using multiple pairs or mobs.
What is the First Time Through metric and how does it apply to software development?
This little 2x2 matrix is a simple formalism with many uses!
While many people are aware of code smells to describe what is bad about bad code, I have long th...
Let's talk about hardware and software, convenience, interruption, defects, and the dreaded Unint...
The manager looks across the room at the team members. It’s 8:45 and everyone should be in attend...
I’m going to be using a metaphor that not everyone can relate to since not everyone is on a speak...
“Oh, no! We estimated 23 story points for the sprint, but we only turned in 20. We’ve failed the ...
Test-Driven Development (TDD) is frequently misunderstood in ways that cause needless struggle, d...
Mob programming is great stuff! We have found it to be the best way (so far) to teach technical s...
Several decades ago, the software industry was obsessed with counting lines of code per programme...
It’s great to have reliable tests in your pipeline to avoid escaped defects and to shorten the fe...
When we are refactoring, and especially when we are teaching refactoring, our partners are surpri...
Typical training workshops are informative and can be a lot of fun. Teams get away from their nor...
The Agile world is awash in metrics and measures, but most provide little benefit to teams.
Large changes are hard. Hard enough that they seldom happen, outside the context of a crisis. Wha...
Let’s say that I ask you to calculate all the happy prime numbers between Planck’s constant and t...
Here is a story board to consider. Is it healthy? Is it being well-operated?
Your task board's focus on accountability may be the primary factor keeping work from getting done.
Technical debt, as defined by Ward Cunningham, refers to a conscious choice to work with your cur...
Industrial Logic’s BDD eLearning Box Set distills techniques of safe BDD into easy-to-absorb trac...
A manager told me that one of his reliable developers seemed to be struggling to maintain focus a...
A funny thing happened on the way to launching my own consultancy...Industrial Logic and I had to...
To deal with reality, we have to accept reality.
The Single Point of Truth or DRY principle can help us create maintainable software. But beware o...
Do not fear interruption but instead make it easy to recover your context.
Understand 6 top reasons that "bad" code is still being produced by teams.
10 points of advice for successfully giving feedback to colleagues.
With the 2020 outbreak of the Coronavirus, many companies are implementing work-from-home policie...