Industrial Logic -> The Design Patterns Study Group

The Design Patterns Study Group of New York City

Active Groups
4G Group
Doman Driven Demons

Dormant Groups
GoF Group Enterprise Gangsters Group
POSA2 Group PL Group
AP Group

Coordinates Mailing List Gallery

Founded in 1995, the DPSG of NYC is a center for the study and mastery of software patterns and pattern languages. Every week, groups within the DPSG meet to question, clarify, compare and ultimately understand object-oriented, architectual, analysis, concurrent and organizational patterns. The DPSG also provides valuable feedback to authors from the patterns community.

At the conclusion of every meeting, our purpose shifts to eating food and/or drinking beer.

The Meaning Of Our Name

The DPSG's name was inspired by Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software. In many ways, this book galvanized the patterns movement and the quest to turn industry knowledge into patterns form.

But there are many patterns forms.

The growing body of patterns literature includes organizational patterns, architectual patterns, process patterns, concurrency patterns, analysis patterns and more. In the DPSG, you can study all of these patterns. But as you study the literature, you'll find copious references to the 23 patterns from Design Patterns. So to help understand the growing body of patterns literature, it helps to have a solid grasp of Design Patterns.

If You're Thinking of Joining...

There are no papers to sign when you join, no money to put down, etc. You may just show up and join in the discussions. If you need to drive in, you will be pleased to know that, unlike the rest of Manhattan, there is actually free and available parking on Greene Street, right outside of Space Untitled (just park after 6:00PM).

Not Sure Which Group To Join?

If you're fluent in at least one object-oriented language but have never studied the Design Patterns book, consider joining the 4G group. If you've finished studying the Design Patterns book, consider joining the GoF group. If you're more interested in pattern languages, communications, concurrency and organizational patterns, consider joining the PL group or POSA2 group. If you'd like to study analysis patterns, consider joining the AP group. If you'd like to study enteprise architecture patterns, you could join the Enterprise Gangsters group. If you are interested in essence modelling, you could join the Domain-Driven Demons group.

Restart a Dormant Group

If you wish to restart a dormant group, tell us and we will put it in the active category. We will also provide you with tools to enter details about the schedule and venue.

Mailing List

Join us for some online patterns discussions

dpsg-nyc Archive

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