Industrial Logic -> Simulations & Games

Simulations & Games

Click here to learn more about our
Design Patterns Playing Cards
Click here to learn more about our
eXtreme Programming Playing Cards
Did you know that well-crafted simulations and games are powerful learning tools? Military organizations know this well: they are said to be some 30 years ahead of the private sector in the area of knowledge transfer, due in large part to their intense use of simulations and games.

At Industrial Logic, we're catching up with the military.

We're learning the theory of this stuff from experts and using and creating simulations and games in The Testing & Refactoring Workshop and The Design Patterns Workshop.

If you're learning or doing eXtreme Programming, you'll love our 100-card deck of eXtreme Programming Playing Cards. PairDraw simulates pair programming, ScreenTest simulates all of XP, and eXPlanations, XP War, Retrospective Roulette and Value Squares are fun games you and your team can play to learn about real-world XP customer and development problems, solutions and values.

If you're learning Design Patterns, you'll love playing around with our Design Patterns Playing Cards. We use these cards to play some seriously fun and highly educational games, like Patterns Poker, Name That Pattern and Patterns Cocktail.

  Industrial Logic, Inc.

If you want to become a better communicator, educator, professional, do yourself a favor and go to the next NASAGA Conference. NASAGA is the
North American
Simulations And Gaming

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